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How it works

Getting started is easier than you might think

Get started

1 Explore

Go to our Developer Portal to explore our APIs including detailed technical documentation. No login is required to view the APIs but is required when to get started with testing of Sandbox APIs and when to get access to all our documentation.

2 Sign up

Sign up on this page to get a developer account.

3 Test

In our current version of Sandbox APIs, no authorization is needed for testing APIs. The Sandbox APIs returns mock data to aid in testing the integration of ICA Banken PSD2 Open APIs. The test users in the dynamic Sandbox consist private individuals and gives you opportunity to test different cases by using test-social security number (test-SSN).

In order to test the APIs, you need to follow these steps.

4 Go Live in production

Our APIs are available in production with access to real customer data. This mean that you need to have a license from a Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) within the EU and a technical certificate (type Qwac), from a Qualified Trusted Service Provider (QTSP) to be able to access our payment related APIs in production. Contact your local FSA for further information.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Here you will find some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about APIs and Open Banking. Please contact us if you have a question to which you cannot find the answer.

Go to our FAQ